Some of my top investment debates/questions for H1'21 (in no order):
1) Does $ZM keep benefiting from cognitive referent status post covid? Do they win w/ Phone & G2K vs $MSFT (do they do M&A in comms?) & $RNG (is this a 30%+ grower again)? Is it enough to offset low end churn?
2) Is $PINS just $SNAP on a lag i.e. is it going to become a more critical part of agency buys (recall what incrementally moving out of "experimental" ad budget did for $SNAP growth pre-covid)? How much incremental share does $GOOGL lose? Can intl monetization explode higher?
3) Which ZT cloud security vendor has most +ve revision potential in CY21 vs where was covid pull-fwd real? My $ (literally) is on $NET for the former. $ZS most likely on the latter.
4) Where do we see the sharpest +ve inflection in B2B payments growth? $COUP can win w/ large enterprise w/ Coupa Pay but SMBs less entrenched w/ traditional banking rships & $BILL instant xfer & GTM are differentiators w/ smaller custs.
5) Which B&M retailer sees the biggest & most sustainable post covid snapback by creating true synergy (more "recurring rev"/cust loyalty) b/w ecomm & physical space? $TGT looking like a good bet - h/t @GavinSBaker & @jablamsky
6) Is iBuying really a good business (I get digitization of "big TAM"/big topline potential but thinking abt contribution mgns) & is it worth making any bets here in '21? $OPEN $Z
7) Where's the best R/R in gaming? $RBLX and $U will tempt me but not sure on valuation. Meanwhile publishers are looking cheap. $ATVI $TTWO
8) Oh yeah, can't believe I forgot - where the hell is Jack Ma & does this really make China internet uninvestable? (not being facetious)
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