1. Restored Republic Events Schedule: 

Sun. 3 Jan. 2021 Charlie Ward: NESARA was announced on Nov. 2. Trump stepped down on Nov. 3 & went from president to presidential candidate. Once things were settled, [B]iden/[H]arris gone – & with Trump stepping down, the Power House...
2. ... would step in (JF Kennedy Jr.). 

On Jan. 1 2021 Trump said, “It’s big, it’s all signed and goes into effect Jan. 1.” Evidently he was referring to a return to the gold-backed dollar. (min. 12:35)
3. As of that same Jan. 1 2021 there were said to be 209 nations including the US, which were in the process of implementing NESARA/ GESARA and debt forgiveness – all having placed their gold/asset-backed currencies at a 1:1 par with each other.
4. Electoral College Bombshell: According to Charlie Ward on Wed. 6 Jan. just prior to Congress meeting in the Electoral College, the Trump legal team would present documentation of foreign intervention in the US 2020 Election and arrests of political and global elites...
5. ... involved including that of Mike Pence and Joe [B]iden, mass rallies for Trump would be in full force in Washington DC and around the nation, plus there would be an announcement about the new Quantum Financial System. 

Between now and Jan. 7: Period of Darkness
6. Thurs. 7 Jan. was also the Sat*anic Holiday of St. Winebald Day that called for blo*od sac*rifice and dismem*berment of a victim age 15-33 according to an Occult Calendar of [Dem]onic Holidays put together by professional therapists from chi*ldhood accounts of their...
7. ... [S]atanic [R]itually [A]bused (SRA) clients. Sat*an worshipping Congress people 

Thurs. Jan. 7 to Sun. Jan. 17: Period of Enlightenment 

Thurs. Jan. 21 2021: The Great Awakening 

March 2021: John F. Kennedy Jr. (Juan O’Savin) indicated that the Alliance was...
8. ... planning on election of the new Restored Republic president and US government officials in March 2021. The election would be transparent, instantaneous and take place under the new and already tested Quantum Voting System where US citizens could vote using their own...
9. ... computers or phones. 

March 30 2021 Restored Republic Elections. 

By 1 April 2021 all political criminality would be exposed and prosecuted.
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