You're going to find out, in the near future, that all those people who studied the government for decades, but you denounced as "crazy conspiracy theorists" were right about everything.

Apologies will be in order.

Also, this is far from over. It's just the beginning.
On the morning of 9-11-2001 I was awoken by a family member immediately after first tower was hit. I go to the tv. I see it. "America's under attack," someone said. My response, "No. They've planned this for a long time. That bldg will probably collapse."
I've known things weren't right for at least 26 years. On 9-12-2001 I was searching the Federal Register for a company I'd heard about called UNOCAL (pipelines). I read w/ my own eyes that in early 2001 the Co. had approached Congress & got permission to invade ...
Afghanistan on 10-1-2001. These documents were from EARLY 2001. When George Bush, Jr. announced in mid-September we would be invading Afghanistan on October 1st, I realized 9-11 was the pretext for a business deal that had been approved by US Congress.
The deal was for a pipeline. Back then, you couldn't screenshot things as easy, hard drives weren't as big. I only read these documents w/ my own eyes & thought, "they're caught" bc it was in the Federal Register.
To my surprise a couple of years later, when I went back looking for the documents I realized they had been "scrubbed". They were entirely REMOVED as if the company asking for permission & approaching Congress & their approval had never happened. They just made it go away.
The #FakeNews #EnemiesWithin then psychologically traumatized entire Nation by rebroadcasting the images nonstop for years. If you questioned ANYTHING you were "either w/ us or w/ the terrorists" they said. Bill O'Reilly would often tell guests to "just shut up".
Many are invested in the Big Lies. Many have lots of $ to lose if their Big Lies are exposed. That's the whole reason the Corporate Fake News Press exists is to maintain control of the storylines/narratives. You can't have real people discussing real issues.
You're only allowed to see the ILLUSIONS they want you to see. You're only allowed their convoluted version of "reality". [THEY] can't have a bunch of free-thinkers going around asking pesky questions when they're trying to 'get away with it'.
We were spoonfed lies by a complicit media dead set on protecting the CORRUPTION that extinguished the lives of some 3000 Americans that day & led to wars that killed millions all bc the real TRUTH WAS NOT TOLD.

Death is the consequence of living in their lies.
And here we are. More lies. Death lies just a little further down the road. They don't need us anymore & the last thing they want is humanity uniting AGAINST THEM. Most of us know who they are; the purveyors of these Big Lies.
The Georgia Guidestones + Houston airport artwork tell a very dark tale about population control/reduction. Again, they believe they don't need any of us anymore. Transhumanism will allow them life extensions. Robots will replace the mundane. They're building a utopia off of us.
But the utopia they are building is not for all of us. No vaccine paperwork, or chip, or RFID implant will get you into their club. No amount of money can buy you a spot in their version of the future. We must stop this madness not for the sake of 1 man, Trump, but 4 all mankind.
Our children and grandchildren deserve a future free of the monsters among us. They deserve a fighting chance. It will take each of us waking up to these truths, about the things that truly matter, and re-correcting our own vessels to be the makers of the way going forward.
Let the horrors we've seen in our lifetimes be the end of it. Let's all work towards that goal - ending the never-ending wars, ending the fake money, fake food, fake laws, fake everything. Let's rebuild a better world w/ better INTENT for the sake of humanity, not greed.
And in this version of the future, we will give more praise to God for he is the Almighty and we will rejoice in him. We can do it. We can be both the storm and the bright sunny day which only comes after.

We are the answer.

We, The People.
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