When Pres Obama won his first term, I sat on my bed and cried while listening to, A Change Gonna Come, by Sam Cooke. Little did I know, that would break white America. Half of white America cheered with the world that America looked pass a man's skin color and elected him. But,
the other half of white America viewed it as an end to America. Because their America was predicated on white supremacy. They had an irrational fear that this black man was going to treat them as the second class citizens that America has always treated people of color throughout
its history. Their racism and fear forced them to lashout on people of color to prove their supremacy. They were determined to make sure we stayed in our places. Especially black people. I felt it everywhere from cops to work to my neighbors. I saw the rise of the tea party as
a watered down klan movement. When trump stole the election, all pretense was abandoned. White supremist crawled out from under their rocks and had the full support of law enforcement. They were essentially given a green light to act out on their worse impulses. They were given
a pass by other white Americans as fringe groups. POC have been complaining about how we were being indiscriminately murdered. But it wasn't until the videos became more and more graphic. And people started marching and saw other white people being brutalized that our reality
became theirs. In one way I'm grateful, but also disappointed that we weren't taken seriously earlier. In this new year, with a new president coming, I'm feeling more hopeful than I have in a long time. I am finally convinced, A Change Gonna Come.
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