5 years ago today we said our final goodbye to our darling Milly. So what can I share about #suicidebereavement?
TIME - the years have helped me to accept the permanence of her death. Acceptance of forever takes time. Take baby steps. Be patient.
GRIEF - It does not disappear, it is engrained into my every fibre. Its sharpness fades, there are calm waters and I have learned to navigate the swells of pain and loss. I will not drown.
HOPE - I allow it into my life. I look to those further along the path and use their light to find mine. There is hope for a new life, not just existence.
EMPATHY - My heart feels more keenly for those who follow behind me. There are thousands of people living with the trauma of losing a loved one to suicide whose pain needs to be acknowledged and supported.
GUILT - I am no longer overwhelmed with the thought that my actions/inactions caused Milly’s death. I accept that I did the best that I could with the information that I HAD at the time. Guilt lives in a small pocket of my being and I accept it.
LOVE - Milly was loving and greatly loved. My love for her lives on as does my relationship with her. She will always be part of my life. #love #suicide #loss #millymattered #bereavement #hugg #hope #postvention #Grief
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