Why Steven Bergwijn is so important to Jose’s Tottenham, a thread:
1 - Defensive Work: Steven Bergwijn tirelessly tracks back to help our defence and often doubles up with the right back for more protection. The photos below show free kicks that led to goals down the right side, in each one Bergwijn wasn’t on the pitch at the time.
2 - His importance in the transition:
One of Stevie’s best attributes is his ability to keep the ball, a skill essential to our quick transition style of football. With an average of 83% pass completion, Stevie keeps it better than the likes of Gio, Sonny, and Ndombele.
His ability to keep it in transition has led to many of our goals, for example this flick to Kane which led to Son’s screamer against Arsenal.
3 - his clever movement to create space. Most fans will have missed this, but Bergwijn’s smart movement has created space for players to score goals this season. Against city, this run across Ruben Dias gave gio a 1 on 1 against ederson.
Against Liverpool, this run drags Rhys Williams away, creating space for Sonny to run in behind
Here, Stevie runs across Alioski, giving Kane the time and space to pick out Son for his 100th Spurs goal.
Stevie is a wonderful player who has a very mature footballing brain. He is so important to our team. Hopefully his confidence in front of goal improves and he can show those doubting him what he can do.
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