While #JodieOurDoctor is trending and deserves all the attention in the world, another trending topic is #Chibnall so allow me for a minute to show some appreciation for someone who gets far less of it than he deserves.
While I've had my reservations towards his work on Doctor Who as showrunner in the past, it's easy to just write him off without recognising what he's achieved for the show like others continue to do even now. Chris Chibnall has elevated Doctor Who.
The thing that he'll surely be remembered most for is breaking those industry boundaries with the casting of Jodie Whittaker as the first female incarnation of The Doctor. A huge step forward for equal opportunities in television. #JodieOurDoctor
Under his leadership, the production values for Doctor Who have skyrocketed. The skill in production design, the use of anamorphic lenses in filming and the incredible advancement in CGI capability on the show in his two seasons so far. The artistry has never been stronger.
In Series 12 alone, he's given us some incredible fan favourite returns, The Master played for the first time, by an Asian man, Captain Jack Harkness, a whole new take on the Cybermen, making them scarier than ever and TWO of the greatest Dalek stories of the last decade.
This man has done all that, whilst enduring an unprecedented hate campaign from multiple sides. He isn't perfect and maybe his writing isn't always what we'd expect but he's a lot more capable for the job than any of us keyboard critics and he's delivered A LOT. Legend. #Chibnall
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