I am going to start a thread which is stuff I seen every day in 2021 on twitter.

1st January: Not much I remember.

2nd January: Eddie Izzard expressed class solidarity with JK Rowling.
3nd January: guy who wrote the MBMBNM theme song wrote a twitter thread about how fun it was to abuse his kid by not actually showing her how to open a can of beans. his old racist/anti-semetic/transphobic tweets were found and he deleted his twitter.
In actual real world political news Trump again threatened an person to do illegal things for him, this time on tape.

Boris Johnson again delays locking down the country and closing down schools until it is save while Kier Starmer does no opposition.
Also Jeopardy Champion and person who is filling over the hosting role since Alex Trebek death might have his hosting pulled for defending bean dad and being on a podcast with him.
4th January: Another transphobic journalist going around today being both a "Free speech" warrior and trying to get someone fired simultaneously.
Update/Correction on this - the Transphobic journalist was going after people who understand why the COVID situation is terrible. the "hate campaign" as she called it was against scientists, data and not dieing.
Also 4th - UK is in lockdown again with no support financially, government still rationing the vaccine to give people a half dosage and Kier doing no opposition.
5th January: Rowan Atkinson came out against "Cancel Culture" or rich people being called out for their shit. It wasn't as surprising to me after the ideas spread about the next blackadder came out.

Class solitarily at its finest.
6th January: LITERAL FASCIST COUP in the US.

when I started this thread I was thinking. "this is going to be an interesting thread to look at later." but now it is just "Wow I am one of those journal entries in a Fallout game."
You can follow @BeckySFairley.
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