recovery realizations - a thread
any weight you gain in recovery is weight that your body NEEDS to gain, regardless if you're underweight, at a healthy weight or overweight
there is a difference between YOUR thoughts and your ed thoughts, you have to learn how to recognize them
you ARE NOT defined by your ed or how sick you are
your ed is not your identity, it wants you to think it is but i promise, it's not
your ed is not the most interesting thing about you. there are so many more wonderful things about you than calorie counting, weight loss and being thin.
you ARE sick enough
weight is not the only indicator of health
you're not invalid for having a good day in recovery or not struggling through your meals as much as your ed thinks you should be
the bmi chart is outdated and literal bullshit
food is more than just fuel or nourishment. food can be enjoyable and you deserve to enjoy it.
you will never be good enough for your ed but you CAN be good enough for yourself.
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