2. Next up? We can't make enough mRNA right now. https://twitter.com/PrEP4AllNow/status/1345467785305063424
3. Those pushing for one dose of the current vaccines are making inferences from post-doc analyses, non-random samples. https://twitter.com/PeterHotez/status/1345902278901903362
4. This is what the @US_FDA analyses about single-dose say.
5. Those pushing single dose suggest that this is the rate-limiting step to our vaccination campaigns, rather than delivery/distribution problems, production problems. https://twitter.com/PeterHotez/status/1345901163397476354
6. But sure, let's accept that we need to do single-dose now. What could possibly go wrong? https://twitter.com/florian_krammer/status/1345791187236646912
7. There are trade-offs, which the virus is well aware of, we should be too. https://twitter.com/PaulBieniasz/status/1344277738576900097
8. Then there is the dilemma of confidence in the process, confusion about what partial protection means, etc.
9. OK, let's just study single-dose then. Easy-peasy, lots of willing people who would sign up for a study. Hey I might even do it but there is one problem... https://twitter.com/k_stephensonMD/status/1343647987629576192
11. So those saying the answer is obvious about single dose are wrong. There are complexities, both risks and benefits in pushing ahead with something like this. A little acknowledgement of this fact is in order.
12. We need an open, transparent process to discuss this. The VRBPAC is the obvious place and open public comment can be extended given the strong interest in this topic. But policy-by-bandwagon or appeals to urgency alone are not responsible.
13. And as my friend @jabarocas says guess who will find a way to get a 2nd shot? The rich and connected. Partial protection is for the little people.
14. Meanwhile, billions around the world will get nothing in 2021. Nothing. We've botched this all once again. end/
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