This year is looking good for action on greenwash in energy.

A government consultation coming.

A regulator committed to a transparent market.

Other major stakeholders incensed.

It’s my NYR to beat this thing.

So I’m going to share a few thoughts...

We have greenwash energy companies getting gushing uncritical feature splashes in Sunday papers.

A big cognitive hurdle to change in this area will be establishment, media and millions of customers accepting that the new industry darlings are in the wrong.

But tbf, those darlings are, for the most part, just taking advantage of the market rules. I don’t believe they have malign intentions.

They want to help decarbonise energy, but haven’t done/can’t do the self analysis to comprehend they are currently part of the problem.

So analyse this, Bulb, Ovo and Octopus:

In what other market does supply and demand operate through the trading of receipts or certificates at a tiny fraction of the value of the product, rather than through trading of the actual product?

I don’t know of any.

When you look at your energy trading P&L, does it not always stick out as bizarre that the ~0.01% of your electricity spend going on REGOs allows you to claim it’s all 100% renewable?

If you could not call your electricity ‘100% renewable’ tomorrow, and instead your green creds became solely your genuine innovations in efficiency, agile tariffs, investment in EVs and flexibility etc, would that be so bad?

If so, why is the current situation where burden of (marketing) proof is on genuine renewable suppliers to explain to consumers how they source clean power direct, rather than on you to eulogise about REGOs, better?

The uptake of green tariffs should be an amazing, inspirational people powered climate action story.

We have +10 million domestic households getting ‘100% renewable electricity’ — we should be seeing that follow through into renewable investment somewhere.

But we aren’t.

Imagine if those +10 million households were on proper, PPA backed tariffs. Companies going to generators, buying and trading genuine clean power at a sensible market rate.

That would be a genuine clean energy REVOLUTION. And it could be happening now!

So if you’re a policy, comms or other professional on the other side of this debate:

It’s not a moral issue. Like me, you work in energy to help & that only makes it harder to accept you’re wrong. But you are, and we’ll all be so much better off if you accept that ASAP.

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