Allison Pearson really is one of the most grotesquely unpleasant bullies in the UK. A soulless, deeply toxic, mean spirited, and often dim individual. Today she's exceeded even her own terribly low levels of civility. She's also a massive fucking hypocrite.
Threatening and intimidating ordinary people, dogpiling, making false accusations, doxxing, and being a general power mad narcissist is all in a day's work for one of Britain's worst gutter 'journalists', Allison Pearson.
Allison Pearson getting on her high horse alleging she reports the truth as an ethical 'journalist' is a bit of a fucking stretch
So-called free speech advocate and writer of hateful bile, Allison Pearson, blocks everybody that dares disagree with her revolting opinions, as and shills for the Telegraph. Vile person to the very core.
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