January is total shit heap for fat folk so over the next few weeks I am going to share 12 (+ maybe more idk) articles, resources, art & other fat inspo to try change up the convos this month. Some are old, some new and they aren't all perfect but I encourage you to take a look!
If we're gonna talk about fatness, we need to talk about racism. In 2019, Dr @sastrings wrote a book about it called 'Fearing the Black Body: The Racial Origins of Fat Phobia', if like me you find academic books kinda intimidating, try this webinar!
This is the 1st of several @thebeefer references, cos obvs it wouldn't be a fat resources list without Charlotte! One of my 1st memories of fat shame was seeing a 'headless fatty' eating a mars bar on TV & so learning about this as a concept blew my mind http://charlottecooper.net/fat/fat-writing/headless-fatties-01-07/
As it's Friday I wanna s/o @kerdonk's 'Fat Girls Don't Dance' which I think (?!) was the first piece of theatre I saw talking directly to fatness. It was huge inspo for me and I recommend you get your own copy here: https://mariaferg.com/fat-girls-dont-dance/
You can follow @Katie_Greenall.
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