This judge in Assange’s extradition hearing is condemning wikileaks saying what they did is not freedom of speech, but rather justification to extradite Assange to the US.
Judge appears to find Assange in violation of the official secrets act.
Judge flat out says Assange is not protected by freedom of speech.
Judge says that Assange prosecutors brought charges against him “in good faith.” Holy hell....
Judge just dismissed the fact that UC Global spied on Assange while he was in the Ecuadorian embassy, although its still being investigated in Spain.
This judge just cited an article from CNN as justification for spying on Assange.

This is crazy.
The Judge is assuring Assange will have procedural and constitutional protections during his trial in the US....
Judge is saying that the US court system is well-equipped to determine whether or not the Espionage Act allows for prosecution against Assange.
Judge has been bragging about the US court system for twenty fucking minutes now.
Doctors opines now being accepted by the Judge: Assange suffers from clinical depression and autism.
OMG Assange just won!!!
The US government has just lost their case against Julian Assange.

And holy fuck, the judge is ending it with her not being convinced that the US system would prevent Assange from committing suicide in US prison.
WOW! The judge and defense team for Assange are now discussion an application for bail.
No ruling on bail today, expected to happen very soon.

“There’s a good chance we could have him [Assange] walking among us this week.”
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