After Senators Warnock and Osoff win.. We have something else we need to do. We need to start on it NOW. We need to STOP NINA TURNER from getting that seat. I would argue this is JUST AS IMPORTANT as the runoff’s bc our majority is so slim. I’m telling y’all, I live in Rashida’s
District & if we’re gonna do this we need to be all in bc ⚪️ Fauxgressives r gonna throw all kinds of money into this race. They squeal about “getting money out of politics” but they have no problem throwing millions of ⚪️ Dollars into majority Black districts so their preferred
Candidates can politically gentrify us. We saw what just happened w/ Cori and Jamaal too. They lash TF out when Black folks don’t do what they want. What they really want is a ⚪️ Fauxgressive agenda behind a Black face. We have to start organizing bc low turnout primaries is how
AOC got elected & as we know Gentrifiers will show up to vote. That’s who elected Cori, AOC & Rashida. We need to start organizing, mobilizing and getting behind @ShontelMBrown We need to stop this false makeover Nina is trying to give herself. She is NOT a Democrat. She voted
Third party in 2016 & gave ⚪️ Fauxgressives cover to do the same thing. Over 300,000 ppl have died from COVID; a large number of them were Black. 45 called the virus a hoax & continued to spread it at his maskless rallies. Hermain Cain paid the price. It’s our lives they don’t
Value & Nina helped usher that in. She gave them permission to vote third party. This cycle she said voting for Biden was like “eating sh*t,” but she wants voters to elect her as a Democrat? 🤔 Nina has appeared with Dr West numerous times. Dr West not only came to Flint and
Led a predominantly ⚪️ Crowd as they booed Black voters 4 supporting Biden, he called “Brother Trump” authentic and President Obama was n***e*ized ( this app loves suspending Black folks). Now she wants to reinvent herself as a Democrat and a Obama supporter. After she ignored
Him when he said “Justice was on the ballot.” She didn’t GAF. All she cared about was appeasing ⚪️ Fauxgressives & getting 45 elected so she could continue her grift. Not once has she stood up to her racist supporters when they call Madame VP Kamala Harris a “cop.” She doesn’t
GAF about us... she cares about Nina. She’s related to cops and she sits there in silence as her supporters denigrate other Black Women. We need to remind voters who she really is. There’s a reason why she couldn’t get Black folks to vote for Bernie in SC. We have to get the
Vote out and remind folks how important this election is. We have a SLIM majority & the last thing we need is a woman who enables ⚪️ Supremacy in that seat.
Here’s Shontel Brown’s donation link
You can follow @MadameVPallday.
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