Back to work. Kids back to school (in the next room). Tough for them.

Didn't see many people or do much over Christmas, obviously, but so nice to have some time to wind down.

2021 has got to be a big year for climate. Some thoughts: 1/11
Of course COP26 is *the* big climate happening. Crucial chance to step up global co-operation. With a Biden-led Whitehouse, that's very possible.

But in terms of wider outreach, I worry that COPspeak galvanises climate wonks & no-one else. Big engagement challenges here... 2/11
Now that many businesses and governments have strong stated climate ambitions, it's a tough job - and one that will probably fall to NGOs and campaigners - to scrutinise plans, and separate bluff from genuine action. 4/11
For government, it's about looking across the whole economy, understanding that climate policy is investment policy, infrastructure policy, tax policy (I could go on). And that covid recovery is also climate policy. 5/11
We're still waiting for a decision from @RobertJenrick at @mhclg on whether government will allow a new coal mine in Cumbria, resulting in 9 million tonnes of CO2 emissions per yr. Hard for govt to claim climate credibility if they let this through. 7/11
This will remain the focus of my work in 2021 and beyond - how we build a proper politics of climate change that puts citizen engagement at its heart, and how we can use deliberative methods to ensure that climate policy works for people. 9/11
There are reasons for optimism. Climate is on the political agenda like never before. But the climate crisis is intensifying. We need the painstaking detailed work on strategy and policy, but we also need protest and outrage. It's going to be quite a year. 11/11
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