Scrolling through my TL to catch up on whatever happened in ye ol' MTG Twitterverse last night and it looks like the discourse to start the week is *checks notes*


Heh. This will be fun. Mainly because I've been told that I'm wrong about it already!
To start, I want to explain that these thoughts will be short and summarized, mainly because I don't care enough to get into this (again) with everyone and because @Oritart has already done a great thread, which you can and should read here:
Alright. I've been playing Magic for most of my life, having started NEARLY 25 years ago! For those keeping track, that would make me about 8 when I first learned about the game and the game only being a year or so old! However, I've never played "seriously" or competitively.
Having stated my experience with the game and to what extent, lemme just say that I've been a strictly Commander-only player (minus some forays into Oathbreaker or Pauper or even drafts) for about 8 years now. I've played every mono-color and every color combination possible.
In those 8 years, I cannot remember a time where I've been personally excited by more than maybe... 5? 6? Commanders either exclusively in White or even with a heavy lean on what White does. As for "what White does", that registers in my brain as removal, restriction and tokens.
Granted, you can break those 3 categories down a bit more for more depth. Tokens can be Soldiers, fliers, etc. I'm sure someone will chime in with "Don't forget about +1/+1 counters", which White does have some room with. But I can normally do it in Golgari with better success.
And why can I find more success in Golgari? Because both Black and Green are better at two things: Card Advantage/Selection and Mana Acceleration. While we're talking about it, Blue is also better at these two things. And Red has pulled farther up the food chain, too.
At the end of the day, these two categories are vital to the game, especially in Commander where games tend to go longer and a deck needs to have that kind of stamina (or be shockingly good at preventing the game from going that long.) This leads me to the point I've taken:
These two categories should NOT be color pie strengths and weaknesses. Every color SHOULD be able to accomplish them, but in different ways that DO align with their strength's and weaknesses. We see Green do this VERY well with Card Advantage/Selection based on playing creatures.
I won't lie: I'm not a game design expert and I don't have the detailed solution to HOW to fix this with White without White losing it's "identity". But my statement still rings true (to me, anyway): All colors need to be able to compete in basic function. It's that simple. /fin
Oh, slight addition: The last time I voiced my opinion, it was to MaRo and I was told that this was "color pie breaking" and that my ideas were bad and unhealthy for the game, in a very polite and tactful way.

That was the last time I've interacted with MaRo, to date.
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