Yesterday, we studied the evolution of Corona reporting from Vox, an important barometer of elite American opinion.

Vox downplayed the pandemic in Feb, but adopted alarmist tones suddenly around 8 March, as Lombardy imposed the 1st western lockdown.
We will now look beyond Vox to understand the crucial shift in opinion that happened on 8/9 March

On this weekend, science, media, & many others decided very suddenly against "mitigation".

They wanted "mass containment" (lockdowns) instead.
Yarvin has noted an important article in STAT, published on 11 March, about the debate between the mitigationists and the containment camp that was happening at this very moment within the WHO.
In Twitter and the blogosphere, the difference was between "flattening the curve" (mitigation) and "crushing the curve" (containment)

#crushthecurve remains current to this day on Twitter.

Its origins were also on 9 March.
"Crushing the curve" was an idea Steve Sailer first rolled out in a TakiMag column on 10 March

The coordination at all levels of discourse, from epidemiologists and the WHO to Twitter users and the HBD blogosphere, is quite astounding.
Sailer explained that the idea came from Gregory Cochran, co-author (with Harpending) of 'The 10,000 Year Explosion' (an HBD classic) and occasional blogger at Westhunt.

Cochran communicated the necessity of curve-crushing to Sailer on 9 March.
Crushing the curve was a concept grounded in crude epidemiological models thrown together by a Westhunt commenter ('arguably wrong'), as we learn from a Sailer column on 13 March.
Scroll down to find me in the iSteve comments, taking it more seriously than almost anyone else

The coordinated messaging surrounding Lombardy's choice to implement mass containment was enormously convincing & it is still hard to know, how much of it was outright manipulation
The creepiest aspect of all this, is a clear, unified effort to take Corona's seasonality off the table. It started with a preprint, authored by the Harvard epidemiologist Lipsitch (and many others) on 6 March:
Corona seasonality was dismantled *days before* the West decided on mass containment around 8/9 March

This 1) preemptively destroyed arguments that we should hold out for the spring, & 2) meant the spring decline in infections would be attributed to lockdowns and not the weather
A small footnote on "Crush the curve": It was taken up by a prominent medical bureaucrat named Harvey Fineberg. Through him, curve-crushing made its way into the New England Journal of Medicine and ProPublica.
In retrospect, this is an ominous article. Spring, not lockdown, was crushing the curve, but since Lipsitch et al had killed the idea of seasonality in early March, we had entered a strange new world:

Whatever corona did, was a result purely of policy and individual choice.
It was moreover no longer enough to have hospitals at capacity.

The goal had become not mitigation but containment. We had decided we wanted to crush the curve. We wanted victory.

Infections = defeat. This is a recipe for forever lockdowns, a nightmare we're still living thru
Now, to pull this together:

Western discourse and policy on Corona changed totally in early March, in a space of 3 days. Before 6 March, it was hoped the spring would soon improve Corona, and the public was prepared for minimal interventions in service of "mitigation".
On 8/9 March, all of this changed forever

From the world of epidemiology to Twitter, "mass containment" became the new policy. We had to crush the curve, not flatten it. Only total victory (eradication) would be acceptable

This shift happened in the space of 72 hours
It was undeniably related to the lockdown in Lombardy, which introduced western medical bureaucrats to the idea that China-style lockdowns might also be possible in the west.

This thread to be continued tomorrow ...
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