1. In these difficult times people are desperate for information that can help them. When you claim to be an expert, its therefore important to share accurate information. Otherwise you put many people in danger especially when you have a huge following.
2. I will not dwell much on herbs and traditional home remedies because I do have limited knowledge in that. So this thread is not an attack on these methods. It's my sincere hope that they work as many people on these streets have claimed.
3. However I have problems when people advice antibiotic therapy on twitter. Any medical professional doing that is irresponsible. The next pandemic is going to be Antimicrobial resistance. Sadly its us clinicians that are promoting inappropriate use of antibiotics
3. Somebody asked whether doxycycline and Ivermectin help for Covid. Doxycycline of course helps in the treatment of bacterial pneumonia. However not all bacterial pneumonia can be managed by Doxy. Infact some pneumonia causing bugs like mycoplasma are now resistant to doxy
4. Ivermectin is not even suitable for bacterial pneumonia. It is used to treat parasitic infections. Its important to give complete information so that pple wil not misuse antimicrobial drugs at home. Most importantly this compromises our fight against antimicrobial resistance
5. It's not only advice on antibiotics that I have issues with. My 'colleague' is advising people to use salbutamol tablets and inhalers when they start feeling breathless. This is both wrong and dangerous. Don't do it. The moment you feel breathless rush to the nearest hospital
6. You will be feeling breathless because your cells are hungry for oxygen. We call it hypoxia. You will definitely benefit from high flow oxygen. So forget this advice that oxygen will not help your breathlessness symptoms
7. I applaud a lot of clinicians who have shared information via this platform. The good thing is that we know who they are and where they work. As clinicians we don't need to hide behind faceless characters when we share vital information.
8. People must also be very careful especially with issues to do with health advice. Take advice from proven professionals. The obsession for likes & retweets is driving a misinformation pandemic. Be careful. Health is a matter of life & death. @drjaytee87 @daddyhope @denvern3
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