Some people really seem to think that feminism is about siding with the interests of female people against male dominance.

Let's be very clear, feminists who think that feminism is about centring female people are just pretending to be feminists because real feminists know that feminism was never about female people and is now being co-opted by people who think it is.
Feminism is for everyone who opposes sexism, which includes all the males who oppose sexism, especially while they are lecturing female people about how they are doing their politics wrong by centring females.
Everyone should oppose sexism. This involves denying that male dominance exists, and is best demonstrated by exhibiting the way that males who involve themselves in feminism tend to dominate it and go around explaining women's politics to them like a mansplaining ass.
I used to have this cartoon version of feminists where I thought they were all man-hating demons who wouldn't put up with my entitled mansplaining shit but then I met third wave feminists and realised that feminism didn't resist male power at all so cool.
I do understand I am being a mansplaining ass but hey, someone needs to tell these bitches they're wrong so what you gonna do?

Can some women recommend some more books about how feminism doesn't involve opposing male power to give me some cover here?
I have a lot of respect for hooks, but this, this is the bit where we get into all sorts of trouble.

Yes, feminism is not anti-male, but it is is anti-male-POWER, and pretending that patriarchy is somehow just as much a clusterfuck for men as for women isn't true.
It's just so hard to let go of the benefits of all that appropriated labour and entitlement to women's bodies hey?

It's just so hard to carry on appropriating and dehumanising.

I would really like to be able to recognise that, say, the sex-trade is
actually profoundly damaging to many of the individual women involved, and also to women as a class, because it perpetuates the idea that women's bodies and sexuality are things we should trade in, but then, um, that means I wouldn't be able to trade in women sexuality and I
mean, that's a bit much to ask....

So, I think what we should do is pretend that there are no substantive sex-based conflicts of interests here, involve males in women's politics, and reshape women's politics so that it doesn't challenge male people's interests.


See guys, it's easy being a feminist!

Nothing big and scary here. All you need to do is say 'I oppose sexism.'

Now, back to telling those witches how to do it.
Oh, and make sure you never directly confront the fact that this is fucking sexism.
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