
Who is saying that anybody deserves to die of covid, or that its victims form a sub-category of human?

The age, or general medical condition, of its victims tells you something about its objective dangers - and the measures which might be proportionate in combating it.
What these people refuse to admit is that we have a long-standing precedent for covid, which is seasonal flu. Flu kills, roughly, similar numbers of people on a regular basis (literally every few years flu deaths rival covid deaths). And guess what: it kills people who either...
...very old or who have underlying conditions, including babies.

The numbers of people dying now, day by day, have been topped many times times by seasonal flu deaths well within living memory.

If you choose to count every case, every infection and every death...
...across a 67M-strong population, then you can very easily make the situation sound terrifying. But unless you stack those numbers against previous seasonal peaks and present the information impartially, it’s meaningless.

The truth is that this is now not a pandemic.
The WHO lowered the bar on the definition of a pandemic radically last year. Of course, nobody reported that shift. It stopped being a pandemic, by the old definition, in April last year. So they just redefined “pandemic” - because that’s how the modern world works.
You’re not allowed to mention that because it will embolden “conspiracy theorists” and “cranks” to tell everyone to go around licking each other. This is just one deliberate lie of this saga which is designed to instil permanent fear and continuous agitation...
...against something which failed to shock rational minds more than 10 months ago.

Some strains of covid are very severe. I’m almost certain I had one in February. It was extremely unpleasant and in a sense the worst illness I’ve ever had. I can see how it could very easily...
...kill somebody much older than me, or someone with other illnesses. We all get that. What is not logically sound is to jump from that assertion to the conclusion that civilisation must civilisation, including schooling, livelihoods, other medical treatments, culture, sport...
...&&&, must necessarily be shut down in order to suppress that infection. That is not proportionate.

Ebola or bubonic plague (which still exists in parts of Africa)? Maybe - because that would be (arguably but not necessarily) proportionate.
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