Today, “anti-mask” protesters went to Ralph’s and the Westfield Shopping Mall in Century City to defy masking requirements. As with previous “maskless shopping” events in the county, the demonstrations led to many verbal and a few physical confrontations.

Almost immediately after entering the Ralph’s, a physical altercation broke out between an antimasker and a shopper. The protester claimed that the shopper hit her. In response, she pushes a cart into him and strikes him.
LAPD arrived shortly after and separated the two, interviewing them both.
Most of the confrontations just involved shouting. Here, a shopper tells the anti-maskers to leave. “This is America, you cannot tell us what do you,” a protester responds.
After Ralph’s, the group made their way to Bloomingdales in Century City. They marched through the store’s three floors, chanting “no more masks.”
At Bloomingdales as well, anti-maskers clashed with shoppers. Here, a shopper is escorted away from a group of protesters.
The protesters took their time in @Bloomingdales even after LAPD arrived. They set up on the sales floor for a brief dance break, dancing to the MAGA version of YMCA.
After @Bloomingdales, the group went throughout the mall, reaching the food court at one point. Some restaurants refused to serve the protesters. One anti-masker tells security that they could be arrested for not serving her.
A shopper who said she worked as a doctor yelled at the anti-maskers, saying her mother was hospitalized with COVID. In response, a protester said, “People did. Your father’s not special.”
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