A thread 🧵

My 17 year old daughter has been under attack for her beliefs since March. Between the, “you’re a racist and or bigot” because of her beliefs that rioting and looting are wrong. To her supporting the police rather than defunding them.

Now, “you’re a homophobic piece of shit” because she believes in gender identity: stating you’re a man or woman created by God.
People, please realize The Bible states this, yet she is ridiculed and bullied for it. *She threw her gay best friend a PrideParty*
This is a 17 year old girl who believes in a woman’s right to abortion, to a certain term.

This is a 17 year old girl who believes in being able to march for your beliefs. Peacefully. Without looting the very businesses that build your community.
This is a 17 year old girl who believes your rights matter; no matter the color of your skin. Black lives do matter, all of them.

This is a 17 year old girl who believes in love for humanity. She truly believes love and kindness is the answer. “Love thy neighbor.”
“Mama, I love everyone, even my enemies.”

Her ♥️ is truly endless. Her ♥️ for people, country, and ❤️ for The Constitution, is boundless.
This 17 year old gives me faith that our Republic is STRONG. That our Republic holds true to its values; yet we still have a lot to learn. This 17 year old taught me to listen, learn, & think FREELY. You should do the same.
**I will add, History is Ugly. It’s dirty in its truths, yet erasing it does no one in this country ANY GOOD. Let’s teach the wrongs our young Nation has been through to develop and mold a better world.**
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