Women: One of the stupidest things I did in my 20s/ 30s was not care about money.

I thought “changing the world” (aka working for far less than I’m worth, for a cause) was more important than money.

It’s not.

That’s another side of patriarchy’s coin.

Don’t fall for it.
Planning for your future & being adequately compensated for your skills + labor IS FEMINIST— not this toil-away-for-nothing/ I-don’t-get-money-I-get-good-feelings hogwash.

Sparkling do-gooder vibes don’t pay your rent & you actually have MORE FREEDOM if you have LESS DEBT.
You are also LESS likely to have to rely on subpar men & put up w abuse &/or mediocrity if you are completely financially independent.
Bottom line: Women need to be more ambitious & realistic about money.

What society negatively labels as “selfish” or “greedy” in women it labels as “necessary” & “successful” in men.

This isn’t an elaborate, hard to figure out scheme— it’s plainly designed to keep us dependent.
Money is also power— so, if you are a bleeding ❤️ (like me) & have to motivate yourself by telling yourself it’s a great way to help causes— it’s true.

I don’t care how you get there, just ask for & make as much 💰 as you can.

Women who advocate for themselves are heroes.
I also want to acknowledge that someone who has been in the position of “not caring about money” (like me) also had an enormous amount of privilege— even if it was still a foolhardy approach to life.

I had the luxury of being capable of making more money & choosing not to.
This includes all kinds of privilege: race, class, education, ability, family support etc.

Another thing we need to do is advocate for other women to be adequately compensated— especially women from marginalized groups.

PAY UP & PAY US what we’re worth 💰 💵 💎
If the place you work doesn’t pay you what you’re worth— it is not feminist.

Full stop.

I don’t care if it’s a do-gooder org, or how many “women’s empowerment” workshops they provide, or how much pinkwashing they do.

If it doesn’t pay women, it’s not feminist.
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