This year, we will face stronger pushback from the legal, financial, and regulatory world than we've seen thus far.

Crypto is going to succeed or fail together.
There is no "my special bag is different." no middle ground.

Cryptocurrencies are for everyone, life-changing and a full-tilt to the financial system,

or it's just the scams, Ponzi, and money laundering they accuse us of.

In fighting and whining at each other in our echo-bubble of crypto, Twitter does nothing to help this.

Our tweets and memes are quoted & misrepresented in legal documents to persuade legal bodies that restrictions and punishment are required

The stakes are just bigger than pointless bickering. if we are really right. the future contains multiple solutions, multiple currencies

I'd like to invite the crypto podcasters, marketing guys, proclaimed thought leaders, and CT residents in general, to tone down personal attacks and the us vs. them mentality.

it's not productive, and it's just as toxic as you accuse others of being.

instead, be productive
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