Good morning from the Old Bailey! Today’s the big day, as we await the extradition decision in the case against @wikileaks publisher Julian Assange. I’ll have updates on this thread.

#FreeAssange 1/
5 hours to go until the 10am hearing. We’re already queuing outside in early morning winter temperatures to have a fighting chance of gaining access to the public gallery. This is how we’re left to try to do our jobs as the judge refuses to recognise the role of NGO observers. 2/
My makeshift office during this long, cold morning.

Actual conversation just now: how long does it take to get hypothermia?

Sunrise is still a long way off at 8:06 am...

We’ve been questioned by police about our reason for being here under Tier 4 restrictions. I had to show our press release about today’s hearing and explain that the judge refused to grant us remote access - and luckily one of the officers had heard of RSF. We’re okay for now. 4/
I love that @greekemmy filmed my discussion with the police, starting with “Do I look like I would be here if I didn’t need to be here? This is pretty miserable” as I sat trying to warm my feet with a (now cold) hot water bottle. 5/
I’d just like to take a moment to thank the judge for the opportunity to drop my children at their dad’s last night, get up at 2:30, leave home at 3:30 to get here before 5 am, and queue in winter weather for 5 hours, instead of simply being properly accredited to do my job. 6/
We’ve been approached a 3rd & 4th time by police, now more hostile. More people have gathered near court & police have stated anyone who is “part of a group” that doesn’t go home will face arrest. So far, after discussion, they’re accepting that RSF is here for work purposes. 7/
There are more police, and some now stationed watching us. I will not disperse, so if we are arrested let it be reflected that this is specifically what Judge Baraitser told us we have to do to do our jobs and monitor this hearing - queue for access to the public gallery. 8/
Another unwelcome plot twist: an officer who works inside the court (I recognise him from September) just told us it will be family only admitted into court. But I have it in writing from the judge that members of the public will be allocated remaining seats after the family. 9/
We believe Julian Assange is in this van, now being taken into court (not the last van - deleted that tweet as his van is higher security). 10/
There are now at least half a dozen police officers attempting to pressure us to leave, telling us that the public gallery will not be open. Last I checked, access to court was a matter for the court to decide, not City of London police. 11/
Okay another high security white van just entered at speed, without stopping at the gate like the others. That may have actually been Assange. 12/
This level of police pressure is insane. I’ve just done a short live broadcast. 13/
I have now had to make my case to at least 10 different police officers. I am not moving. I will force an arrest if needed. It is within my rights to do my job. We are waiting for clarification from the judge about who will be allowed in. 14/
FINALLY - four of us will be allowed in. Losing my phone now. See you on the other side. 15/
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