Fascinating interview with Prof of Epidemiology @UNSW advisor to @WHO @MarylouiseMcla1 on @RNBreakfast on NSW mask strategy some key points:

'reliance on good contract tracing is the wrong way around ..
.. it's a bit like relying on good ambulance services to react to a catastrophe on our roads instead of addressing drink driving and speeding'
'we need to prevent before we do the down stream activities, (while also support the investigators saying they are brilliant)
'we should have been learning from Victoria that you have to act very, very fast when you start seeing a large cluster, certainly the Northern Beaches were locked down on 19th but that was a mild a light lock down'
'when anyone calls for mass testing that is basically an alert that this has escaped us, so mass testing should always come a mass call for mandated mask use'
'I have added up the number of areas that have areas exposure that has caused the department of health concern and are asking people to come to be tested and that is 23 sites from the 24th of December when they had lifted restrictions pre Christmas ..
... really you are talking about a three day or four day of all of Greater Sydney and then will the idea of having the cricket go ahead it doesn't make sense'
'So sadly with with 23 sites and a very hot spot in Berala, it is potentially time to ask us all to stay at home, except for health checks, shopping and some exercise, but the rest of the time we should be staying inside to give those contact chases some time'
on the 3rd cricket test: "It reminds of the Clint Eastwood question 'Are you feeling lucky?' and you don't run outbreaks on luck, you run outbreaks on preemptive impact"
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