The only CHANGES that sensible citizens of the United States want are:

Lower Taxes.

More Freedom.

To bring home the troops.

Term limits.

Overturning Citizens United.

A return to the Rule of Law.

Getting the gov’t OUT of our healthcare system.

School choice.

Open schools.
2/ Open businesses.


A secure border.

A merit-based immigration system.

Voter ID.

Paper ballots [back-up].

Forensic audits and transparent source-code in any Voting Systems.

Judges who interpret the Constitution as written.

Balanced budgets.
3/ No more bail-outs for Wall Street and multi-national corporations.

The ability to shop for insurance across state-lines.

A full audit of the Federal Reserve System.

The Epstein footage.

Complete reformation of our Intel agencies, FBI, DOJ, etc.
4/ Open competition for our farmers and small businesses.

Section 230 reform/elimination to address the widespread censorship and editorializing being conducted by Big Tech.

Elimination of the Patriot Act and restoration of our 4th Amendment rights to privacy.
5/ The elimination of the widespread collection of warrantless surveillance of American citizens.

A mainstream media held accountable for their willful misrepresentations & outright fabrications of the news.

A roll-back of foreign aid until we can take care of our own citizens.
6/ And harsh prosecutions for every single individual found guilty of conspiring to overthrow the Presidency of @realDonaldTrump using the Russian Collusion hoax, Mueller Investigation, Impeachment Sham, Electoral Fraud & more.

Then we can get to work on the rest of it. 🇺🇸
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