Ga Senate Hearing Fact Check: so here is a quick and easy sanity check for the claims made by 3 data “experts” during the hearing last week. First, I don’t think they were trying to pull a fast one, I think sometimes “data scientists” can’t see what’s right in front of them 1/
They start by showing a screen claiming “Receiving 75% or more in a precinct is abnormal”. This is just a throwaway nonsense claim. Not only is it not abnormal, it happens a ton. Precincts are small and a lot of times swing heavily toward one party. (More on this later) 2/
Later, they present a claim that getting 90% in a precinct is a sign of fraud. This is obviously a randomly picked number, but still, 2,000+ precincts in 2016 went over their fraud threshold. Easy to prove, this isn’t a real threshold nor does it hold weight 3/
Now, it gets fun... they begin claiming that they discovered something nefarious in the vote totals when looking at the time series from Edison. The reason results are unofficial until certification is (drum roll) they change because people make mistakes. Let’s dig in on Dodge 4/
This is their slide for Dodge County. The first thing that should jump out is those negative numbers, they present them as something nefarious. But: look how they are the same amount as the entries around the same time? That’s cause they are mistakes. But let’s dig in more 5/
People outside GA might not know, but Dodge County is tiny. 21K people live there with 11.5K registered voters. The final tally for the election shows: Trump- 5,843, Biden- 2,171, Other- 56. A total of 8,070. So, the votes clearly weren’t flipped or stolen. 6/
If the votes were flipped, Biden would have to have more. If they were stolen, there would be an extra 7,008. That would mean a turnout above 130%. To top it off, Trump got a slightly higher percentage than 2016 (72.4% v 71.75%). All of these pointing to the same conclusion 7/
We can do this with each of the counties this group showed. Instead of finding nefarious activities, they found the flaws in “real time” results. @senatorjen @bluestein @stphnfwlr @BeeForGeorgia @GabrielSterling @GaSecofState
@AkivaMCohen more fun with “experts” that have been run in front of the GA state senate
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