1/ Star Wars EU lore for the night, one that clears up the misconception: Yuuzhan Vong and their relationship with the Force. A lot of people seem to have a description of the Vong, being "they exist outside of the Force." This is not at all how the Vong work. They don't
2/ exist outside the Force, they are simply cut off from it, similar to how Jedi-turned-Sith Ulic Qel-Droma was cut off in his final days. The Yuuzhan Vong originally come from a living planet called Yuuzhan'tar (outside of the known Galaxy, in the Unknown Regions). There was a
3/ war between the Vong and a "species" (for lack of a better term) of droids. The planet helped them fight back by teaching them how to create organic weapons. During this war, the Vong became more violent and warlike but eventually drove the droids off (and hence their
4/ hatred of machines). However, being more violent and warlike was now part of their nature. The Vong continued conquering and enslaving other species (live ones, not droids this time) from their galaxy and much of their galaxy, including Yuuzhan'tar, was destroyed. Being
5/ separated from the symbiosis with their planet as well as being total warmongers as part of their nature, Yuuzhan'tar had stripped them of their connection to the Force. At the end of the Yuuzhan Vong War (covered in the New Jedi Order books), the living planet Zonama
6/ Sekot, a seed from the original Yuuzhan'tar, had informed Luke Skywalker of this history. The Yuuzhan Vong priest, Harrar, had something of a change of heart and had communed with Zonama Sekot and learned of where the ancient Vong had gone wrong. Harrar became one of the
7/ first "reformed" Vong, learning something after generations of Vong - compassion. He learned that there was no god of war and the Vong had failed themselves, hence why their living planet had severed their connection to begin with. Harrar and a handful of Vong that
8/ were left at the end of the war then left the Galaxy as Zonama Sekot as their home, in peace. Oh and another thing I forgot to mention: while they couldn't be sensed in the Force because of the sever, they were still susceptible to Force-based attacks.
So in short: No, the
9/ Yuuzhan Vong did not "exist outside the Force"; they were merely stripped of it as punishment for turning inherently violent/warmongering, their connection to the Force was stripped from them, just as the symbiosis to Yuuzhan'tar had been, but could eventually be
10/ regained. There's a few more details but that is the gist of it, I think. Thank you for coming to my Vong TED talk. #StarWars #IChooseLegends
(source: New Jedi Order: The Unifying Force)
11/ PS: Here's what Pablo "SW expert" Hidalgo had to say about them (asking about the TCW story). Sorry, Pablo, they weren't "immune" to the Force.
12/ PPS: It cannot be understated that George Lucas not only approved of the initial NJO/Vong storyline, but also gave feedback to the finale, which is where this information is coming from.
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