Our data from Dominion was sent to Scytl as the data base, from there it is sent to Edison and reported to the networks live on network TV.
Hammer/Scorecard is the Hardware/Software developed by Dennis Montgomery under the Obama Administration. Hammer/Scorecard was used by the U.S. to interfere in other country's elections. Hammer/Scorecard can network in and change the election outcome.
When Obama left, Clapper/Brennan/Comey had access to the schematics of Hammer/Scorecard. They built at least 2 more systems...one in the UK and the other in China.
So, when we sent the data to Scytl...the data was intercepted from Hammer/Scorecard in the UK and China. The data was then manipulated.
Hammer/Scorecard then sent the data back to our Dominion Voting Machines.
Dominion would then take this updated/manipulated data and send it to Scytl in Frankfurt.
Scytl then sent this data off to Edison...........Edison then sent out the live feeds that we would see during election night.....
This is exactly why we saw all the unusual anomalies live on TV.....Votes changing from Trump to Biden....Votes flipping from Trump to Biden....Huge spikes.....etc.......
This is evident in all the Edison data that OUR TEAM has access to analyzed......that is why they are looking at it and seeing all this unusual stuff, but nobody can explain it.....we are looking at all the voter fraud, election fraud, etc....(Which was also done)........
....but it finally puts the whole story together. How it was done, who did it, etc.........
The Hammer/Scorecard are not discussed and top secret because releasing this information is a threat to our national security.....because we interfered in other countries elections using this....
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