It was SUPER weird to read a silly story on twitter last night right before bed, then wake up to everyone on earth talking about bean dad while I was thinking "what the hell is that?" and then realizing it was everyone reacting to Roderick's story I read the night before.
I know John, I think of him like David Sedaris in that he's a great storyteller but it's not really worth going over his story details with a magnifying glass, because he exaggerates for comedic effect. I read his story with that in mind (I see how others would read it though).
I never knew about his shitty tweets from early twitter days, they're terrible and he should have deleted them years ago & explained why with a big ass apology. Also he should fess up to being a bit of a fabulist storyteller. Instead, he deleted everything, which is disappointing
John's never been great at apologies or taking criticism and he can be a real asshole sometimes, even to friends. I think he could be in a way different place if he apologized, deleted shitty tweets, and admitted his story was embellished for comedic effect.
The gold standard is the 30-50 feral hogs guy, he seemed to take all the mockery in stride and acknowledged how wild his initial tweet sounded. If you need a blueprint of how to go from the worst person on twitter to somewhat likable, be more like the feral hogs guy, not Roderick
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