How can you advance liberty & justice in the world right now? Some suggestions:

1) Directly & effectively help some of the poorest people in the world by donating to effective charities like @GiveWell, @GiveDirectly, @AgainstMalaria
2) Help free innocent people from prison by supporting groups like @innocence

3) Help free people from pre-trial detention by helping them pay their bail. Groups like @bailproject do good work on this.
4) Educate jurors on their right to nullify. In other words, teach them that they have the right to vote "Not guilty" even if they believe the defendant violated a law on the books. Also, defend the right to trial by jury more generally. @FIJANational does great work here.
5) Oppose America's militarism & endless wars. War is the health of the state, it destroys lives abroad, & it undermines liberty at home. @FCNL does good lobbying work around these issues. @Antiwarcom & @FPIF do great reporting.
6) Support mutual aid projects in your community. When people are struggling, we should care for & help one another, and we can't rely on the state for that. Learn more about mutual aid networks here: 
7) Support litigation that defends people from civil liberties abuses by the state. @IJ, @ACLU, @theCCR all do good work here.
8) Provide humanitarian aid to migrants whose attempts to find a better life are being actively & violently obstructed by the Border Patrol. @NoMoreDeaths does excellent humanitarian aid work in the borderlands.
9) Defend activists from unjust surveillance & repression by the United States government. @RightsDissent does a lot of solid work in this arena.
10) Help immigrants & their families resist the state violence involved in immigration detention & deportation. Unlike defendants in the criminal justice system, immigrants facing deportation are not always granted access to legal counsel. @RAICESTEXAS helps provide counsel.
You can follow @BadmenBad.
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