For anyone confused as to why the entire progressive caucus voted to reelect @SpeakerPelosi as house speaker, it’s because they got serious concessions that allow M4All and a GND to move forward by exempting them from PayGo.
What does this mean? It means that the #squad moved a floor vote on M4All closer to reality than ever before. It means they were able to change the rules of the house to benefit these progressive bills. ITS A HUGE FREAKING DEAL!!!
This is what we mean by having a different strategy but still working to achieve the same goal.

The squad understands the rules of procedure and they rejected #ForceTheVote in exchange for REAL MEANINGFUL CONCESSIONS, instead of political theater.
If anyone on the left or progressive movement is attacking the #squad after today then they don’t know what is going on or how governing and law making works. Because this is a HUGE VICTORY and perfect example of cashing in political capital.
For those who think we should just #ForceTheVote (it’s not that simple) they keep forgetting that bills have to be written in a way that fulfills the requirements of the rules for legislation. This overcomes one of the biggest hurdles that has stopped M4All from coming to a vote.
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