I'm not one for mantras, but one I live by is "action beats anxiety" and it works almost every time
Anxiety isn't always hyperventilating in a corner with chest pains

Anxiety can be (and has been a lot for me this past year) a crushing feeling of Doom
If there's something I'm worried about, it can spread throughout my entire body & mind like the knowledge of impending death

everything slows down and I end up curled into a ball on the couch not breathing right

it's horrible
but, when I get that way (and realize what's happening) I force myself to Do Something

usually it's chores like dishes or laundry, anything to get me moving

if I'm really motivated, I go outside
and it Works

it distracts me, it short-circuits the anxiety, it gives me perspective

"I'm worried that Thing X will happen and devour my entire existence, but I just accomplished Things A, B, and C, so Thing X hasn't happened yet."
even if it doesn't work (or comes back when I stop moving) I'm at least better off than when I started
nothing sucks quite like spending all day being anxious about something and then feeling like a useless shit at bedtime because you spent all day worrying

this helps that
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