#DoctorWho Fandom Thread.

Firstly, it's a pretty dark day in the fandom where @thewhoaddicts, one of the nicest and most reasonable Doctor Who-related platforms gets driven away from talking about the current era because of the hostility from fans.
Online, I'm probably considered one of the more "controversial" DW content creators so I expect and am braced for negative feedback and I've developed a super thick skin after 10+ years. But when that feedback is happening to TWA...something's gone wrong here.
To all of those who left disgusting, harassing comments to Matt and Liv, some of the best and most reasonable and supportive in this community, GTFO.

DW should strive to be one of the most welcoming and accessible of fandoms yet the past few years have driven it further down.
I can understand why this has happened. As the Overton Window shifts further to the right in countries like the UK and the US, discourse is gonna shift and that's also made many fandoms increasingly toxic (Star Wars, Doctor Who, Marvel etc.)...
...and as a result, it's left a lot of fans perpetually on the defensive and failing to distinguish between a good-faith critique/enjoyment of the show and bad-faith bigotry and just lashing out without considering who they're talking to and how they're being perceived.
That being sustained for several years just isn't healthy and fingers-crossed we've seen the worst of it. But as I mentioned almost an entire year ago, why would anyone want to get involved in this fandom is THIS is what they're in for? https://twitter.com/TrilbeeReviews/status/1222136825466294272?s=20
And despite making a concerted effort to try and be more positive and to not be needlessly negative (I don't always succeed, but I always try) I make sure to never bring that shit to other people's doors.

Follow me or don't follow me, but I don't tag or name names...
...unless they very clearly cross a line into unambiguous bigotry. If THAT corner of the fandom feels free and safe to speak but people like TheWhoAddicts don't, this fandom needs real self-examination.

I've livestreamed with Matt and Liv before and they're lovely. They don't...
...deserve to feel this way or deserve this treatment. Go show them some love, check out their channel and I'm off to bed now, goodnight.

Be better and pick your battles better. Ffs.
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