And now 4 @liberal_party MP’s from Quebec admit to crossing the holiday border.

Counting senior staff - we must be close to 25 people (politicians & staff) across Canada who are expected by cancel culture and MSM to parade naked while screaming “I am so sorry.”

The whining is
just bullshit. Nobody listens to the politicians (or staff) on a given day. Nobody gives a shit if they wear jeans by Hugo Boss. Nobody gives a damn where they drink or dine or dance or holiday.

Until now. It’s a total fucking distraction by #MSM from the real issues of the day:
1) rolling out vaccines.

2) restarting the entrepreneurial economy (big box and malls are ok?)

3) unwinding the lunatic driven eco-alarmist NEW carbon tax.

4) protecting the elderly (heretofore a complete disaster) and the at-risk
The distraction of where say 30 people out of more 1000 in question - is nothing but a fucking distraction.

We are each smart enough to be influenced by what is right and wrong.

Why is the silent vast majority and MSM - not shitting on the antivax and “I can’t wear a mask
Because that infringes on my “charter rights”. “ crowds.

30 divided by only 1,000 is almost zero. A rounding error above zero.

Lighten the fuck up and let’s get back to the REAL ISSUES listed above.

And yes I am putting my wallet and watch behind my rant - building a
restaurant & several buildings & adding a very green heat recovery unit to a very efficient gas fired power plant - along w/ charity events, keeping a huge gym open and so much more.

Which means fuck off to those who are nothing but keyboard cave dwelling warriors and trolls.
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