Y'all please don't use hunger for teaching moments. Even mild hunger. Like it's a great way to give your kids, especially daughters, issues with food. I know from personal experience
This includes sending your kids to bed with no dinner as a punishment, using dessert as a reward, pretending to throw away Halloween Candy, literally any use of your position of authority to determine when/if your kids eat is psychologically damaging
Like hunger is primal, our brains don't process it well. You can literally just go "Hey I'll make you something to eat and then I'll teach you a skill" because we don't do a good job learning while our brains are signaling hunger.
Which is why elementary schoolkids have breakfast, morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack, an after school snack, and then dinner. Grown adults shouldn't really wait 6 hours between meals (unless you are legit not hungry) because that impairs focus
Honestly some days my spouse's students have breakfast at home and then have school breakfast when they get in because that's how it is when your stomach is kid sized and you're still growing
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