Almost everything you regret in life will be the result of a decision you made while emotional.

See a trend regarding emotions yet?
Greed is an emotion. And it’s the most dangerous of them all.
Enter every interaction with the goal to add as much value as you can and your world will open up.

Enter every interaction with the goal to maximize money or anything else for yourself and watch yourself struggle to find wealth or happiness.
Curiosity is a bigger factor of success than intelligence.

The folks who get excited to explore and learn and take steps forward into uncertainty win.
There are two ways to sell:

1. Overcome objections, figure out what’s holding folks back, talk about the positives

2. Find people who need what you’re selling more than you need their money, talk about the negatives, and let them sell themselves.

#2 is best.
As a company you have three areas where you can compete:

1. Price. Undercut overtone.

2. Speed. Deliver quickly.

3. Quality. Be the best.
If you compete on price you will not be successful.

You’ll create a stressful job for yourself. Never able to afford good help. Always putting out fires.

Compete on speed and quality and charge a higher price.
That way you can delegate and build a healthy company.

You can pay good help.

You can afford proper equipment and resources.

And you can scale.
Average folks spend their time putting out fires.

Employee comes to them with a problem.

And it’s get out of my way so I can fix this problem.
Successful business owners build systems to prevent the fires.

Oh you have a problem?

How would you fix it? How can we prevent it from happening again?
90% of folks in life play defense.

Other people make decisions and they react. They are totally out of control.

They complain, blame others and continue to react to their surroundings.
10% play offense.

They make decisions that control their earnings, where they live, who they spend time with.

They are in control.

They don’t complain and they own up to their situation.
It takes time to move from playing defense to playing offense.

One decision at a time for a long time.

But it’s worth it.
Words of affirmation are stronger motivators for a large portion of the population than money.

Praise loudly, often, and in public.
The market doesn’t care what you want or what you think will happen.

It’s ruthless and it’s true.

And it doesn’t give a shit about you or your ideas.

To succeed in the market you must be selfless and search truth over being “right” in someone’s eyes.

The ego is the enemy.
99% of people network all wrong.

With their hand out.

Help me. Do this for me. Introduce me. Me me me me!

It’s not about you!
The way to win:

Become a master at something and begin to help other people.

Put in the work. Have a unique skill set.

Then add value everywhere you go.

Then watch your network explode.

This is tough to hear right? Work first network later? Bummer I know.
Simple almost always wins.

Simple businesses.

Simple jobs for your employees.

Simple structures.

Keep it simple!
And another hard truth -

Most employees WANT structure. They want guidance. They want you to set them up for success.

Autonomy is great but business owners miss the make here and end up throwing employees to the dogs and setting them up for failure.

Simplify the job.
If folks wanted autonomy and to make decisions all day they’d start their own businesses.

And this leads to another point.

Very few people think like you do.

But you project your needs and desires in others.

Stop doing that.
Your employee doesn’t want profit sharing and upside.

He wants a paycheck he can count on and for you to tell him he’s doing a good job.
Status and respect is desired much more than money by most people.

And it’s free for you to give.

So give it lavishly!
More folks should start businesses like poker players play hands.

What do I need to invest, what is the likelihood of success, and how much would I win?
They’d figure out picking the low hanging fruit and going after that first passive $100k a year is a lot more likely in sweaty industries without much curb appeal.
And folks should also re-calibrate how they think about earnings and success.

How much money do you really need?

I’ll tell you there are only three levels of wealth...
#1 - you can successfully feed your family and you aren’t worried about making rent, delivering the essentials to live.
#2 - you can go in a restaurant and order whatever you want without looking at the price.
#3 - you can travel and buy flights without worrying about the cost.
Beyond that more money doesn’t matter.

So why do we chase millions or billions?

Ego and status.

Recognize it’s a fools errand and forget about the games around these two things.

Because you can’t win.
You’ll end up buying things you can’t afford to impress people you don’t like.

It’s real.

Focus instead on making enough to do what you want to do and TAKING BACK YOUR TIME so you can spend it building memories with people who do know you and do care about you.
Trust is a funny thing.

It takes years to build but seconds to throw away.
If your goal is to make someone else better amazing things happen.

They reciprocate and a unique synergy happens.

Those are the best relationships.

Build them and charish them.
I went to the mountains yesterday and did some reflecting.

I suggest every so often you turn off the input and sit alone with your thoughts.

Clarity isn’t something that comes easily in a world of constant distractions.

Do it. It’s worth it.
Everything in life is an opportunity.

You get out what you put in.

You can let it slip through your fingers. Or you can grab hold and ride it to the next level.

When things change massive opportunity is created.
There has never been a time of more rapid change for so many people.

As an opportunist you have a choice.

Are you going to capitalize, add value and make a name for yourself?

Are you going to start taking steps to lead to a better life?

Or are you going to sit back and watch?
What is the meaning of life?

I think it’s different for everybody and lucky for us we get to chose what really drives us.

To some it’s seeing who can die with the most money and they don’t care if there is a wake of distraction left behind.
For me it’s seeing how many lives I can positively influence.

And building unique, deep and meaningful relationships with a handful of individuals.

I’m thankful this platform gets me closer to my goal.

And thank you for following along and for making me a better person.
If you enjoy this kind of thing I suggest following a few others who think a lot differently.

You can follow @sweatystartup.
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