“There just has to be a reckoning. There just has to be. You can't reset unless you truth-tell and demand that people are held accountable for what they have done. And if they've broken the law, they should be held accountable for breaking the law.” https://the.ink/p/justice-after-trump
“The bulk of crimes committed by, in the name of, or in favor of the Trump administration are just crimes.
They're just illegal acts in this country that can be prosecuted by regular courts. What I think is essential is to pursue every possible case.” https://the.ink/p/how-to-block-an-autocratic-breakthrough
“The people who committed crimes in this administration need to be prosecuted. Some of the crimes are so severe that they are violations of the Geneva Convention. They are crimes against humanity. We need Nuremberg-style trials.” https://the.ink/p/sarah-kendzior
“To effectively oppose authoritarianism, we need to focus on government accountability and transparency. At the heart of strongman rule is the claim that he and his agents are above the law, above judgment, and not beholden to the truth.” https://the.ink/p/strongmen 
These questions of justice and accountability and the survival of democracy are as urgent as ever, and they’re not going anywhere in the Biden era. Sign up for http://The.Ink  if you want more of these conversations.
There is no point debating whether Trump has, again, broken the law. The question that matters is: Will any prosecutor have the self-respect and the courage to put him in prison?
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