Ancedote thread:
I was working at a retail store in December and I stumbled upon two of my colleagues talking.

One had basically work too much for the company and the company couldn't "afford" to pay him overtime so he was willing to work off the clock.
I spoke to another colleague about it. I showed that I couldn't believe it and my colleague responded that as long as he is willing, it shows that he is being a team player.

These weren't conservatives at all.
I think many leftists on Twitter need to really talk and engage with normies.

I think if more of us did then we wouldn't be surprised by what happened today with pelosi.

I am neither surprised nor disappointed. Only 400k voted for Green.
Over a million green voters went Democrat this cycle.

You get what you vote for. 🤷🏼‍♀️

I've told ya these next for years are gonna suck.

If you're a leftist this is gonna be an uphill battle.

If you're blackpilled now… you can either take my advice or check out.
Talk to normies (offline) and when I say talk, I mean listen.

In the meantime I'd focus my anger at CPC instead of one freshman rep and her three friends.

The movement isn't about them. It's about us.

Aria did another excellent thread with the same sentiment but with better eloquence:
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