Possible (even if unintended) takeaways by kids w/ parents like can opener dad:
-don’t ask for help, & shame around needing help, not knowing, being wrong, feeling stupid
-do everything yourself
-you can’t rely on support from anyone else, even ppl who love you

This thread is it https://twitter.com/chuckwendig/status/1345737168988364807
We don’t have to wonder what kind of adults those kids grow into- we are a society that often struggles to ask for & receive help without shame.

Imagine if more Americans prioritized & had access to mental & emotional healthcare (which yes, affects physical health).
I’m very at peace w/ the fact that my parents did their very best w/ the tools they had (& sometimes tried to be different than their parents), & they just don’t consider therapy for themselves, despite clear & obvious trauma & some harmful patterns on both sides of ancestors.
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