A friend of mine just had to lock down her account because kpop puriteens brigaded her for daring to self-identify as a bi lesbian


Lesbian *is* an umbrella term and it always *has* been
The queer trans and kink communities don't have the luxury other subcultures do of passing on their history to the next generation. They avoid minors like the plague because the Moral Guardians will brand them GROOMING PEDOS and go full Socrates on them for *answering questions*.
Between the previous generations avoiding them out of fear and their 'phobic cishet parents actively shielding them from any knowledge about themselves, queer trans and kinky kids are abandoned and left vulnerable to SWERF-&-TERF essentialist propaganda
Lesbian was always an umbrella term and the idea that it isn't is TERF and political lesbian rhetoric

Jokes about sitting aside there was never a separate bi culture that evolved in parallel with lesbian culture

Bi lesbians aren't stealing your culture they helped build it
Bi/pan lesbian exclusionism, like trans exclusionism, is based in the disgusting misogynistic homophobic assumption that a woman is pure until she's touched by a penis and then she's defiled forever, or at least until she's experienced enough of the healing power of pussy
Some lesbians experience zero male attraction

Some lesbians experience some male attraction but it doesn't define them the way their female attraction does

And non-binary people blur all these lines anyway

Human sexuality, like gender, doesn't fit into neat boxes

Grow up
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