ok so i just wanna talk about the dream stuff real quick because wow
so basically a little while ago dream was defending stans and now they doxed him (or maybe the stans didnt do it??? i dunno but they mightve they do some... things) anyways dream's stans are living up (1/7)
to their namesake. by that i mean that theyre becoming almost as (probably more) obsessive than the stan in eminem's stan, where this obsessive fan ends up killing himself and his pregnant girlfriend because eminem wouldnt respond to his letters, thus coining the term (2/7)
stan. anyways, dream was defending stan culture and now he got doxed and stans are probably gonna ruin his life. not just dream too, his entire family has had everything leaked about them and i mean EVERYTHING. like, who wants a face reveal when we can have dream's (3/7)
social security number. and like not to mention that the stans have drawn some WEIRD stuff. like dude, its sickening what some of them have drawn youd be concerned for his safety before the dox, seen censored or not. its seriously not ok dude, this (4/7)
guy's entire life just got ruined because his stans wanted to know where he lives. and some of his stans are out of control too, they worship dream like a god and witchhunt anyone who dares disagree or criticize what they do. you dont deserve a face reveal, dream is (5/7)
entitled to his privacy and that means his face being hidden. doesnt matter much now because someone's probably gonna be stalking his house and get a picture of his face through an open window or some creepy stuff like that, they already have his kitchen or something (6/7)
anyways i just wanted to ramble about this since i found it interesting but im genuinely concerned for dream's safety, he needs to move far away or some weirdo's gonna do something bad. anyways gonna go prep for dream stans arguing with me thanks for watching me ramble (7/7)
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