I would like to say thank you for the dozens of supportive messages I have received over the last 12 hours since my suspension and support I have received on Twitter. Also a welcome to the 52 new followers I have received since my suspension, some of which have offered me help.
13 hours ago I was issued with a 12 hour account lock punishment by Twitter as a result of two tweets I sent to @laughingginge during an altercation last night/yesterday evening. One in which I called him a "Nazi" and another in which I called him "Far Left".
I explained my reasoning for doing so in terms of his behaviour on Twitter. Namely himself labelling people Nazis and Fascists himself and his persecution of an elderly Brexit voter who he suggested "might not survive to the summer" in the current Covid crisis.
He resorts to quelling people's freedom of speech by demanding online privileges be removed whilst reporting actions he has himself resorted to, encouraged mob mentality and abuse, racism, homophobia and threats that he will set the authorities on people.
In my case he suggested he had reported me to the police (refused to give me a crime reference number regardless of numerous requests) and even suggested he would set his supposed QC brother on me in legal action. He called me a "Nazi" on a number of occasions.
I reported it to Twitter and it was found he'd not broken any rules.

As I said, I called him a Nazi explaining my logic including his use of holocaust pictures in his political campaign as well as intimidating and abusing strangers on Twitter on a daily basis.
Yet he reports me to Twitter resulting in a 12 hour ban from Twitter for exactly that which Twitter concluded wasn't worthy of punishment on his part for doing the same to me first.

To repeat, this account holder has:

- Resorted to racism on numerous occasions
- Used Nazi imagery to attack political rivals
- Falsely accused people of being Nazis
- Falsely accused people of being far right
- Falsely accused myself of being a racist and a xenophobe. Eight times I asked him to provide evidence. He couldn't/wouldn't provide any evidence
- Encouraged people to abuse strangers via pile-ons
- Defamed strangers on multiple occasions
- Likely lied about his job
- Falsely claimed he had reported me to the police (no crime number given), no communication from the authorities, a refusal to provide @sussex_police ...
with the information they requested last nigbt and of course no actual crime being committed on my part
- Reported me to Twitter under false pretences, something Twitter have acted on in a cackhanded manner with regard to and have left my account open to permanent exclusion
- Abused and taunted an elderly Brexit voter suggesting she "wouldn't make the summer"
- Homophobic comments about Brexit supporting politicians (namely @Steven_Woolfe and @Nigel_Farage)
- Targetted a gay Conservative Brexiteer and commentator as a "Nazi boy" over a long campaign
( @darrengrimes_)
- Has encouraged mass reporting of people who disagree with him in the hopes that they will be issued with permanent bans by Twitter

He is now free to continue tweeting lies about me, as well as encourage vile abuse against me.
He is also openly encouraging vile abuse against me without fear of Twitter action and others whilst my freedom of speech was prohibited by a platform that has apparently taken different action against people who have done exactly the same thing.
I can only conclude that this has been done for political reasons as it is the only explanation for the inconsistencies.

My account has been subject to a abuse over the last 24 hours and I have had to block over a hundred Twitter accounts many of which are fellow Rejoiners and
Scottish Independence supporters as he also is. Many of the accounts I chose not to communicate with are also people who have unfortunately been fooled by his lies and have perfectly honest intentions in confronting racism and wrong-doing on Twitter.
This twitter user has openly labelled the following people "Nazis" or "Fascists", without punishment by Twitter for something they punished me for:

- @JuliaHB1
- @Jacob_Rees_Mogg
- @darrengrimes_
- @DominicRaab
- Wetherspoons and as a result Tim Martin
- @Nigel_Farage
- @Arron_Banks
- Dominic Cummings
I am certain there are other examples. But I didn't want to spend unnecessary time wading through his hate-filled timeline.

As far as I can tell. No action has ever been taken by Twitter against his account for this labelling.
In fact I reported his Nazi labelling of me today, it was rejected by Twitter as not being against website rules and individually reported each or the instances above. As of yet no action has been taken against his account.
Meanwhile I have had to sit by today and watch my account being attacked, as well as accusations be made against me, with my account lockdown meaning I can't correct false accusations and show people the lies/abuse he has committed.
I will post picture evidence to substantiate everything that I have said above.

Thomas Evans ( @ThomasEvans1984)

His Nazi accusations against myself and others Pictures 1.
His Nazi accusations against myself and others Pictures 2.
His Nazi accusations against myself and others Pictures 3.
His Nazi accusations against myself and others Pictures 4.
His Nazi accusations against myself and others Pictures 5.
His Nazi accusations against myself and others Pictures 6.
His Nazi accusations against myself and others Pictures 7.
My Nazi accusations against him which Twitter seemed a suspendable offence 1.

I do not think he is a Nazi, but my explanation was to serve fact that I believed him to have Fascist traits which he was never able to reflect on me.

Please note his outrage for what he does himself.
My Nazi accusations against him which Twitter seemed a suspendable offence 2.
False racism accusations against me, others and examples of his open racism 1.
False racism accusations against me, others and examples of his open racism 2.
False racism accusations against me, others and examples of his open racism 3.
His false claims of reporting me to the police, his reports of me to Twitter and my reports of him to Twitter along with the action/non action taken by them 1.
His false claims of reporting me to the police, his reports of me to Twitter and my reports of him to Twitter along with the action/non action taken by them 2.
His open support of homophobic content against @Steven_Woolfe and @Nigel_Farage.
A denial of calling me a Nazi and the tweet showing him calling me a Nazi in the space of one tweet.
His inciting hatred against "England", "English" and "Great Britain" in search of his dream of Scottish Independence 1.
His inciting hatred against "England", "English" and "Great Britain" in search of his dream of Scottish Independence 2.
His inciting hatred against "England", "English" and "Great Britain" in search of his dream of Scottish Independence 3.
My reports against him which Twitter rejected. My suspension email. My appeal email. My email from Twitter declaring they had rejected my appeal 1.
My reports against him which Twitter rejected. My suspension email. My appeal email. My email from Twitter declaring they had rejected my appeal 2.
I don't know if my account will still be active following the posting of the above. I have been on Twitter over 10 years and have gone through it all both in life and in politics.

I have tried to debate people and help where I can.

I fear my time on here is coming to an end.
Twitter have been gently eroding my account over the last year and a half with repeat shadow bans. Repeat suspensions. Have lowered the coverage my tweets get. Reduced who has followed me and who is able to follow me.

It is quite clear Twitter are driving people off of Twitter.
If you are centrist/right of centre you can expect your Twitter privileges to be curtailed before long. If you do not tow the line, impart particular social/political opinions you will find your account development halted before long.

Abusive accounts to the left are protected.
Latest target for this horrible man is Conservative MP @EstherMcVey1. It is a like and retweet. But the intent is all the same.

Hope she reads this timeline.
You can follow @ThomasEvans1984.
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