People look for relatively cheap coincidences to hear the Voice of God, but God is a player of the long game, and does not favor minor effects
I see God's mighty Hand in Georgia today
a place where, when it does something wrong, everybody outside likes to pile on -- oh, those backwards southerners! etc. I have no time for this & neither does God, cf. "what good thing can come from Nazareth" (John 1:46)
but see here, God's long game. in 2001, Roy Moore installs a 5,280 lb. granite monument bearing the Ten Commandments in the courthouse of the Heflin-Torbert judicial building in Montgomery, Alabama
the monument itself contains an admonition against the worship of idols, but this is lost on these fellows, who will always happily twist scripture toward their own ends, which II Peter 3:16 explicitly warns against
Moore goes on to enjoy a long career as a celebrity in the ultraconservative right, bilking donations from the gullible, bearing false witness about the God of the Bible all day long
over the next twenty years the American right wing comes to resemble Moore rather more than less. They favor cheap stunts, they strain the gnat and miss the camel, they speak from both sides of their mouths. They lie about what they believe, they say one thing and do another,
"fairness for me but not for thee" is their watchword, they never heard Jesus call for mercy and when the see the Cross, they don't see the ultimate expression of human malady in the death penalty, they just see "He's suffering for me!" like Narcissus himself at poolside
Bearing false witness. Every single day.
@marcorubio tweets a Bible verse every day of the year, and on most days, then bears false witness right there for all to see.
@tedcruz, claiming "election security" is his concern. False witness.
All of them, the whole lot of them, not just bearing false witness but leaning in on it. Making it their brand. It's true if I say it, because it gets me the result I want: the mirror opposite of God, Whose Word changeth not, Whose grace abides, et al
So when we get to hear one of the many, many phone calls that have surely happened over the past few weeks, where the President favored by the evangelical right harangues election officials to lie for him
we know we'll shortly get another chance to see just how serious these fellows are about the teachings of the God they claim to serve
that they'll prevaricate with "He's right to be angry!" responses, etc., if they give any at all, will not be news to the Living God, Who knows their hearts
but on the off chance that you're a person who digs Jesus and thinks the President does, too
he's been showing you for four years who his people are
they're not the people who worship a Guy whose attitude toward being murdered unjustly was "if that's what you want to do, sure"
his people are not anybody with a horror of bearing false witness
choose ye this day, etc /end
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