Jimmy slamming DSA and Nurses Union, for organizing for m4a, instead of yelling at AOC and showing up at her house:

"we do not need to organize more for Medicare for All. The whole country is for it. don't let anyone tell you that. Now it's time to threaten ppl in power."
you start with forcing your dubious procedural strategy as a litmus for progressive electeds and media personalities, you end by actively discouraging ppl from organizing support for m4a, and smearing activist.
btw, Jimmy knows he's selling ppl snake oil.
here he is, saying that the beauty of Tulsi's "Medicare for All Who Want It" plan is that it keeps private insurance, cause if you take it away, "you can talk ppl out of m4a": https://twitter.com/Nitzky89/status/1339976725271355393
btw, this particular take from Jimmy is not a fluke.
he has a long history of pushing "one weird trick" ideas and blowing up when confronted with reality that accomplishing progressive change requires anything more than screaming on a podcast and posting: https://twitter.com/Nitzky89/status/1340790704356945926
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