1. Loser Barry had strings like a puppet and thot HRC would win. Then Trump announced his candidacy and things changed!
In 2015, Loser Barry regrets not closing GITMO....let's go back to 12/31/2011.
He signed Prolonged Detention...what is it? https://twitter.com/thewoodsilyin/status/1345842887662182401?s=20
3. What does Prolonged Detention mean? You rot in GITMO until your Tribunal or Trial date comes. Even if you are innocent and not charged. Applies to civilians and anyone.
4. Then President Trump announced he was running for President and suddenly, there was an outsider coming into the political game and he wasn't just any outsider, he is a brilliant business man that built an empire and knows about everything! Yes, Barry wet his pants and cried!đŸ€Ș
6. Rather than womaning up...he opts to wire tapping!
Because Barry couldn't think beyond each cocaine snort, he was freaking out. Yep...the ole Swamp Rats wire tapped then Candidate Trump.
7. Welp...she lost and Trump won. Loser Barry was so busy wire tapping Trump and pardoning a bunch of terrorist crooks, and thinking about plan Z...he knew he was done! Remember on that beautiful day on 1/20/2017, Barry and its thug husband Big Mike knew they were done!
8. EO 13526 Woops...Loser Barry forgot to undo EO 13526 Section 1.7 has everyone waiting their Tribunal in GITMO in freak out mode! Wow...I bet Barry got lots of mush potatoes thrown at him at GITMO. https://www.archives.gov/isoo/policy-documents/cnsi-eo.html#one
In part about declass:
9. Barry knew his days were numbered. So he traveled the world, trolling President Trump. Kissing up to foreign leaders bc he couldn't pay back bribes. Woops...then he may have been hiding at Harvard and this happens on 8/21/2017. A nonchalant arrest?
10. Then Kue was born on 10/28/2017 helping us along and giving us so much great information. This worldwide movement is powerful and strong and truly is our Great Awakening!
11. When we heard crickets on Scavino's Lion post...was it because there is silence from the deep state? Are they toast/ done/ dealt with? Of course they are! https://twitter.com/PepeNewsNow/status/1345445530386644992?s=20
12. Now it's all making sense. The first day President and Melania Trump became American's First Couple, they were jubilant knowing...THE BEST IS YET TO COME!!!
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