1. What are "Golems" and where do they come from? https://twitter.com/CassandraRules/status/1345838693404139520
2. Are there "Golems" now? If so, why? https://mobile.twitter.com/SamParkerSenate/status/1280354004044668928
3. "It's the Communists!" https://mobile.twitter.com/SamParkerSenate/status/1280355889086517248
4. What did/do the communists really think of the Blacks & the Black revolutionary movement they (the communists) started?

5. Let's have a closer look at these "Communists."

Central Committee of The Bolshevik Party, 1918.
6. Council of the People's Commissars, 1918.
7. "Composition of the central committees of the various socialist parties in Russia in 1918."
8. "Members of the Central Executive Committee," Russia 1918.
9. "Members of the Extraordinary Commission of Moscow." Russia, 1918.
10. "Important Functionaries of the Bolshevik State: 1917-1918"
11. "Zionism vs. Bolshevism. A Struggle For The Soul Of The Jewish People." -Winston Churchill

High-Res link: https://files.catbox.moe/3cxuas.jpg 
15. Seth Rogen: "Where I come from, communism is not a terrible word."

16. "Sam, you're such an awful antisemite!"

My friends, on this TL, we seek the truth no matter how awkward or difficult. The truth is, in some corners of j-wish culture, communism & communist subversion find very fertile ground.


17. Because the "communists" have, by their own declaration, admitted that they're using Black people to advance the cause of the "Revolution," they've essentially made POCs into their "Golems."

Communist views of Blacks & minorities & their exploitation of them are disgusting.
18. Still doubt the connection between Communism, J*ws & exploitation of POCs?

Barbara Lerner Specter:

"Jews are going to be at the centre of a huge transformation for Europe. They are now going into a multicultural mode & Jews will be resented because of our leading role." 👇
19. Full quote by Barbara Lerner Specter on the j*wish role in the demographic transformation of Europe.

Again, these are self-proclaimed attributions.
20. Gonna keep this thread more brief than others.


>Communists are using POCs as "Golems" for their "revolution."
>Communism finds fertile ground amongst many j*ws.
>These J*ws play a prominent role in flooding White European countries w/minorities & 3rd worlders.
22. Addendum 2

"The J*ws behind the NAACP"
23. Addendum 3

Funding, organizing & aiding Mao's communist revolution:

"85 to 90% of the foreigners helping the Chinese at the time of the Communist takeover were J*wish. This included the daughter of the founder of the brokerage firm Goldman Sachs." https://forward.com/schmooze/159051/a-jew-in-maos-china/
24. Mao's key J*ws

-Solomon Adler, US Treasury official & Soviet Spy
-Israel Epstein, son of a J*wish Bolshevik jailed by the Tsar in Russia for trying to foment revolution
-Frank Coe, leading official of the IMF
-Sidney Shapiro, American Jew, head of China’s propaganda organ
25. Are all j*ws communists? Clearly not.

Does communism find fertile ground amongst j*ws & Judaism? Clearly yes.

The J*ws themselves talk about this. Why shouldn't the rest of us be allowed to talk about it or explore the issue?

History for me but not for thee? Get rekt.
26. If you'd like to see more information on the connections between Jude0-communist forces & their exploitation of Black people & other POCs, see this recent mega thread: https://mobile.twitter.com/SamParkerSenate/status/1344369675019247616
27. Truth is truth & history is history. If facts are "antisemitic," I couldn't care less. If you deny/ignore them b/c they're inconvenient, then keep on steppin'. My TL ain't for gentle lies & snowflakes.

As prominent j*w Ben Shapiro says:

Facts don't care about your feelings.
28. "Siri: Why didn't Nick Cannon suffer any adverse consequences or apologize for his racist & bigoted remarks towards White people like he did for his remarks towards J*ws?"🤔
29. https://mobile.twitter.com/SamParkerSenate/status/1345851405605584897
30. https://mobile.twitter.com/SamParkerSenate/status/1344387680314875906
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