For anyone interested in the @BobbyisGrateful saga: I saw that he tweeted yesterday that he would “never lie” about his health. (See pic). In response, I’m going to roll out a pretty big thread, stuffed with tweets from Bob himself, which paints an overall picture of what most
people would consider hypochondria; but you can draw your own conclusions. (I will add commentary as well, if/when it’s something I have additional knowledge of). I’ll try to keep these mostly in order of earliest to last, as well.
The first Covid scare (that I’m aware of). You’ll notice a tendency Bob has to tag celebrities, often when he wants to update them on his “health issues”.
Oops! Missed this previous Covid scare from a bit earlier!
We’ll call this one Covid scare 3 then?
Covid scare 3, continuing...
Covid scare 3, still continuing...
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